Our family adventure to Tanzania and Rwanda was such an extraordinary trip. We are all still on Cloud 9–not sure if I’ll ever come down! Here are our favorite pictures from our trip.

Meeting the Maasai with the globe
We arrived in Tanzania and met the son of the Maasai chieftain the next morning. On this globe, we showed the children where they are, then Seattle and Nashville, where we’d just flown from.
Dressed for Maasai dancing
All dressed up.
Maasai jumping dance
Bill joined in on the traditional dance!
Maasai sing goodbye
As we left, the Maasai sang goodbye to us.

Tarangire National Park

on a walking safari
Noellie led the bush walk and Kimani and Maulidi brought up the rear. We felt safe!
Sunrise outside our tent the first morning.
Mongoose peeking over an ant hill.
giraffe in Tarangire
Our first giraffe in Tarangire.
elepants covered in orange mud
Oh, those orange, mud-caked beauties!
Our resident ostriches. We always passed them on our way back to camp.
sunrise over tents
Sunrise at fly-camp.
Bill & Kimani
Bill and Kimani comparing knives. They were best friends by the end of the three days. Kimani nicknamed Bill “mbogo,” which means “buffalo.”
lion in tree
We had a great surprise when we rounded the bend! He was checking out the possibilities.
smiles on safari
You could not wipe the smile off of my face the entire trip.

Ngorongoro Crater

Ngorongoro crater in haze
Our first look at Ngorongoro Crater on a hazy day. Be still my heart!
zebra in Ngorongoro Crater
Oh, how I loved the “striped donkeys”! Couldn’t get enough of those stripes!
Ngorongoro Crater picture taking
Using Bill for a tripod.
Ngorongoro Crater vulture
There must be something nearby.
A hippo!
black rhino
We saw an endangered black rhino…very far away, but glorious all the same.
Maasai, vibrant in their red shukas, on the green crater rim.
Why the long face?
zebra baby
Who doesn’t love a baby?


lions in the brush
lion yawning
Naiman said, “get him yawning, he is missing a canine tooth.” How could he see that? Naiman had Superman powers of vision.
The only jackal we saw.
two giraffe
A two-headed giraffe?
honey badger
Spotted this honey badger and gave chase. He then turned and charged us! Honey badger don’t care!
elephants on the Serengeti
On this morning, we started out early, 5am wake-up, and it was FOGGY. Then we turned a bend and saw these beauties. How spectacular!
fun on the Serengeti
I loved the staff so much in both camps.
Naiman in Wilderness Travel hat
Our Trip Leader, Naiman, was family after 9 days. We love him!
family on Serengeti with safari vehicle
We saw a pride of 18 lions and shortly after our jeep bottomed out in a muddy creek (it was a serious bottoming out, but Naiman prevailed as usual), then we arrived here at a kopje. Naiman took this picture and then got his machete out “for safety’s sake.” Tilghman was a little worried, after all we had just seen 18 lions and some cheetahs.
With Naiman’s safety precaution in mind, we approached the rocks cautiously and heard lion grunting, but then these three heads popped up! Surprise sundowners set up by the crew!
Masai silhouette
Kapush in silhouette.


drumming in Rwanda
We arrived in Rwanda and took part in some drumming before we headed into the brush to meet the mountain gorillas.
mountain gorilla
This black-back nearly knocked Will off of his feet while cruising through the brush, but then he was nice enough to stop and pose for a picture. Couldn’t wipe the smile off Will’s face for days.
mountain gorilla mom and baby
This momma and baby came out of nowhere. Momma whacked my leg and baby slapped my arm, “get outta the way!” I was in heaven!
gorilla nails
This gorilla’s nails looked better than mine ever do!
Wow. More wow! They were all so different and beautiful. Glorious.
We hiked in some serious jungle.
mountain gorilla porters and group
We loved our crew. Theo knew exactly when to hold my hand!
kids dancing
As we walked by, these children were dancing. They all waved and yelled, “hello, hello, hello.” It was one of my favorite parts of the trek.

I have about 1,000 more pictures. I look at them every day. I can’t wait to take another trip with you!

-Photos by WT Adventurers, the Carroll family, text by Lean Carroll, Tanzania Private Journey with Rwanda Mountain Gorilla Extension


1 Comment

  1. Love these!!! Would like to get them for our publications.

    Brian McGilloway
    Photo editor
    Wilderness Travel

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